New to Our Savior?
We’re Glad You’re Here
Thank you for being interested in our church. We understand that being new can feel intimidating at times. We strive to make everyone feel comfortable and welcome each week.
We hope the information on this page will give you the best experience possible, and answer some questions before visiting. We look forward to meeting you!
Service Times
Sunday Services:
- 8am – Traditional
- 10:45am – Contemporary
Bible Classes & Sunday School:
- 9:30am – In person and online
Our Livestream services are found on our Youtube Channel at 8:00am & 10:45am. Services are also archived to view at your convenience.
helpful information
What to Expect

What We Believe
Jesus loves you, regardless of your past! Guaranteed. Learn more about Christ’s love, our mission and what the LCMS church believes.

A Big Welcome!
We love visitors, so please expect greeters at both the south and north doors to say hello when you arrive. We’re happy you’re here!

Convenient Parking
We have two parking lots when you pull in. One to the right and then to the left. There are doors to enter the church from both lots.

A Tasty Cup of Coffee!
Our coffee house offers free conversation with creamer, while supporting Trinity Hope through Singing Rooster Coffee.
Plan Your Visit
We know it can be a little nerve-wracking visiting a church for the first time or two. That’s why we’re giving you the opportunity to let us know you are coming so we can welcome you to OSLC and make sure you feel at home. We have a special Welcome Desk right in our lobby and we’ll be happy to help show you around! We’re looking forward to seeing you!
Worship Times
Youth & Kids
The Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper (Communion) is celebrated at the 8:00am service on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month and at the 10:45 service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. There are special Sundays, such as Easter, where it is offered at both services.
In Holy Communion, our Heavenly Father promises His unconditional love, renews His pledge of forgiveness in Christ, and offers His Holy Spirit as strength for daily faith and life.
Jesus answered, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” – John 14:6
The Scriptures tell us we are to examine ourselves before taking The Lord’s Supper (I Corinthians 11:27-32). You are invited to commune with us if you can say “yes” through the gift of faith to the following:
- I am a Baptized Christian and I trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
- I am a sinner in need of God’s forgiveness.
- I believe that Christ is truly present with His Body and Blood in, with, and under bread and wine offering me forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation.
- I will live in the strength of the Holy Spirit to God’s glory, in ministry with His people, in mission to His world.
- Non-alcoholic wine is available for those with special needs. It is the white wine in the center of the individual cup trays. Gluten-free wafers are also available, by asking the elder nearest you. We welcome young children who have not yet been instructed about communion to come forward for a blessing.
If you have questions about your communing, please speak with the Pastor prior to the service.
Ask an Usher
If you should have a question, need assistance, or need directions during service feel free to approach an Usher. These friendly folks are stationed near each of the main exits of the sanctuary.
When exiting the sanctuary, the restrooms are near the main doors on the left (north). There is another set located on the south end of the building near the Gym and Fellowship Hall.
Kingdom Care Nursery Ministry

Our nursery ministry is offered for children ages 6 months–3 years on Sunday mornings, during our 8am Traditional Service, 9:30am Bible Study Hour, and 10:45am Contemporary Service.
When you check-in your child, you will be given a unique code tag and a matching coded name tag for your child. The only person who may pick up your child is the person who holds this unique code tag.
Our volunteers have a background check and are CPR certified. You can participate in the service or Bible study assured that your child is having fun in a safe environment. If your child should need, we will call you with the number you provided at registration. For more info, please contact Matt Fischer, Director of Family Life Ministries, at
Interested in Joining Our Savior?
Whether you are transferring your membership from another LCMS congregation or are from a different faith or denominational background, we encourage everyone considering membership to take our Starting Point class with Pastor Lane Reuter. Contact him at for more information.

Nashville, TN 37220
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Our Savior Lutheran Church is a Missouri-Synod Lutheran Church along with Our Savior Lutheran Academy.