Mission Opportunities
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.’“
– Matthew 25:40
Serving God’s People
Serving others is a large part of the culture at Our Savior. Not only do we care for each other as Christ cares for the Church, but we do our best to put that into practice. Share God’s love by helping those in our community and beyond. Below are some of the organizations we actively participate in and support.
advocates for human trafficking victims
Rescue 1 Global
Rescue 1 Global’s mission is to counter human trafficking and provide holistic restoration: at home and around the world. · What we do · PREVENT · RESCUE · RESTORE.
Serving low income families
Christ-Centered Education
Our Savior Lutheran Academy
Serving nashville homeless
Room in the Inn
Supporting Haitian Fair Trade
Singing Rooster Haitian Coffee
Serving Children in haiti
Trinity Hope
Intentional gospel proclamation
Mission of Christ Network
Strenghening Children & Families
AGAPE embraces people in need, people who often have nowhere else to turn. From addiction to broken families, mental illness to spiritual despair, neglect to abuse, as well as counseling, crisis support, adoption and foster care services, pregnancy-maternity care, emergency domestic violence shelter, and court advocacy assistance. At AGAPE, we know love works because we see it in action each and every day. professional therapists, social workers, and support staff receive with open arms thosewho cry out. AGAPE provides
Mission in Action (M.A.C.)
View these videos to see missions in action and learn more about ways to serve others in love.
(More will be added soon. Check back!)
Room in the Inn – Summer Cookout
Rebuilding Together Nashville Project – Oct. 2021
Rebuilding Together Nashville & Habitat for Humanity-Build Projects
LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League)
Interested in Learning More?
Each organization is looking for volunteers to help fulfill God’s calling to serve others.
If you would like more information or learn ways to help, fill out the form below. Thank you!
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16

Nashville, TN 37220
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Our Savior Lutheran Church is a Missouri-Synod Lutheran Church along with Our Savior Lutheran Academy.