College & Young Adults Ministry
“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
– Micah 6:8
Living, Serving, Giving
College-aged &
Young Adult Ministry
You are NOT forgotten. God loves you, and we do too. We offer several groups and Bible studies focusing on this chapter of life. You are not alone.

Sunday mornings
9:30 – 10:30 am – People of any age are welcome to join Pastor Lane’s class in the gym. This is held both in person and online.
Living. Serving. giving.
College Ministry
Our Savior offers a weekly Bible study for college students ages 18-25 on Sundays from 12-1:30pm. Students are welcome to join us for our 10:45am worship service followed by a Bible study over a free lunch! (Transportation can be provided upon request) We also schedule events throughout the year to just have some fun together!”
In addition, Our Savior offers a college sponsorship ministry in order to stay connected with our out-of-town college students. Our desire is to foster an intergenerational relationship with each student through regular communication and care packages, and encourage him/her to continually grow in their faith. For more info, please contact Matt Fischer, Director of Family Life Ministries, at
Living. Serving. Giving.
Young Adult Ministry
Our Savior Young Adult Ministry is a community of individuals and couples in their 20s-30s who meet for Bible Study and Fellowship. Together we are learning what it means to continue to grow as Christian leaders entering our professions. Join us Tuesdays at 6:30 PM. Contact Jessica Wilkerson for more information!

Have any questions?
Contact Jessica. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have.
Galations 5:13

Nashville, TN 37220
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Our Savior Lutheran Church is a Missouri-Synod Lutheran Church along with Our Savior Lutheran Academy.