Stay Connected
with the Church Center app
Learn About Church Center
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”
– Ephesians 2:10
Discover Church Center, a ministry resource, which is designed for our congregation as we strive to be faithful disciples. This ministry tool keeps you connected to everything happening at OSLC!
Online Community
Church Center is a mobile app and web experience where we, as members of Our Savior Lutheran Church and Academy, can explore and discover our spiritual gifts and connect them with opportunities for spiritual growth, service and Christian outreach.
Try it Out
See how this resource can help us to impact our families, community and world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by going to Google Play Store or to your Apple Store and download Church Center. When you first open the app, identify Our Savior Lutheran Church, Nashville as your church and enter your phone number. That’s it! Now explore the many ways to join fellow members in “living, serving and giving” to God’s glory.

Please contact Director of Outreach & Discipleship, Pastor Gene Henke for explanation of how to best use the app.

Help Us Spread the Word
Invite your friends at church to use the help and join activities together. Let’s use this as a tool to continuing strengthening our church family.

5110 Franklin Pike
Nashville, TN 37220
Nashville, TN 37220
Office: 615.833.1500
Let's Connect
Sign up for Pastor's weekly email for current information.
Our Savior Lutheran Church is a Missouri-Synod Lutheran Church along with Our Savior Lutheran Academy.