High School Ministry
“Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”
– Deuteronomy 31:6
Living, Serving, Giving
High School 9th – 12th
There’s a lot going on when you’re in high school, and a lot of unknowns on the horizon, too. However, high schoolers are up to facing these challenges by being rooted and grounded in their faith as they prepare and go out into the world. To equip our high schoolers in this, our student ministry will revolve around the following:
Sunday Morning Bible Study +
Weekly Youth Group +
Fellowship Events +
Servant Events +
National Youth Gathering +
Mission Trips +
We believe that when students are engaged in those experiences, as well as regular Sunday worship, they will be connected to other students, their families, the Church at large, and (most importantly) God as they grow in their faith, serve others, share the Gospel, and live life together.
“ I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
John 17:20-21

What is The Upper Room?
The Upper Room is the name for Our Savior’s high school student ministry. Its mission is to be a space and community where students will come together, encounter God, and feel safe and known. They’ll be challenged and grow in their faith as they receive training and rest and fellowship as they prepare to go out from The Upper Room. Because, just as the disciples had to leave the upper room (where they gathered together and ate with and learned from Jesus), our students will move on from high school. They will face challenges throughout their lives, and we want them to be prepared to stand strong in their faith and share that hope with others.
Sunday mornings
9:30 – 10:30 am – We have a Student Bible Study that meets every Sunday in the Youth Room and on Zoom from 9:30-10:30am. Contact Celia Walkowicz for more information.
online options
Virtual Youth Events
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Every Sunday, we hold a Student Bible Study. We host it concurrently in person and on Zoom so that our group can still gather together, no matter their situation.
Weekly Youth Group
Every week, the Upper Room meets concurrently in person and on Zoom so that our group can still gather together, no matter their situation.
Zoom links are sent out weekly
If you are not currently receiving emails about student ministry events, please contact Celia Walkowicz.
Sunday Bible Study
Sunday Morning Student
Bible Study
Every Sunday from 9:30-10:30am, we’re digging deeper into God’s word and seeing how it applies to our lives and the challenges that we’re facing. This summer we will be looking at the topic of apologetics (the understanding and communication of our faith).

High School Youth Group

The Upper Room
Every week, our high school students will have the opportunity to come together (and bring friends) to play games, win prizes, eat snacks – and most importantly, participate in a large group devotion and small group discussions that will challenge and grow their faith. This isn’t surface level spirituality – this is looking at challenges that our students are facing everyday, from injustice to temptation, and equipping them to prepare them to stand strong in the faith.
Servant Events
Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
Jesus also said in Mark 25:35, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…”
Throughout the Bible we are reminded that faith in Jesus leads to active service to others done in love. Our goal is to provide opportunities for students to live out their faith through a variety of service projects and events throughout the year. Please contact Celia Walkowicz for more information on upcoming service events!
National Youth Gathering

With the 2022 Gathering behind us, we’re starting to plan for an awesome adventure of joining 25,000 youth and their adult leaders in the GREAT City of New Orelans, Louisiana in 2025! We hope to bring as many youth and adults as we can on this awesome week of studying God’s word, praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through raising our voices in song, and serving the residents of New Orelans through great servant event opportunities!
What can you do to help us? If you have a son or daughter who is currently going into the 6th grade through youth who are going to be Sophomores come speak with Matt Fischer! We would love to have you included in our planning, and fundraising efforts. It will cost around $2000 per youth to attend, so we have a lot of work ahead of us. With our fundraising efforts we are hoping that each of our families will only have to pay the registration fee which is around $400.

Have any questions about our high school ministry?
Or interested in helping with events?Contact Matt & Celia. We’re happy to answer any questions.
“From National Youth Gathering to volunteering at charity events to weekly youth group, we always have a good time while learning about our faith.”
– Leah, 9th grade

Nashville, TN 37220
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Our Savior Lutheran Church is a Missouri-Synod Lutheran Church along with Our Savior Lutheran Academy.